Jumat, 16 November 2012



Who loves ya baby?  =  Siapa yang mencintaimu sayang?
 I'm not chicken = Aku bukan penakut!
 What the fuck is wrong with you? = Kamu kenapa sih?
 I don't have to take anyshit from you = Aku sama sekali gak perduli
 She has a crush on him/ He has a crush on her = Dia benar-benar jatuh cinta padanya
 He is a fox = Dia ganteng
 Take it easy = Selamat tinggal
 Like hell = Tak mungkin
 What the hell = Apa-apaan ini?
 What's up = Ada apa?
 What's got into ya? = Ada apa denganmu?
 Damn it = Sialan
 Motherfucker = Bajingan
 I'm sweating like a pig = Aku keringetan
 It's a piece of cake = Ini sih gampang banget
 What a dog = Jelek banget dia (ini buat cewe ya)
 Get my drift = Paham maksudnya?
 Get the drift = Mengerti?
 By the way / Anyway = Ngomong-ngomong
 O Gee / Oh My God = Masya Allah, Ya Tuhan
 Give me / Gimme  = Beri saya / Kasih saya
 I'm stuck on her / I'm stuck on him = Saya tergila-gila padanya
 I need to piss = Aku kebelet kencing
 Don't gimme that shit = Jangan ngoceh / Jangan banyak omong
 C'mon guys. Don't be mad. I'm just kidding = Ayolah kawan. Jangan marah. Aku cuman becanda
 I'll keep my fingers crossed = Saya akan do'akan
 Hasta lavista, baby = Selamat tinggal sayang
 Get out of it / Drop it = Sudahlah lupakan saja
 Spit it out = Cepat katakan
 Must have got up on the wrong side of bed = Mimpi apa semalam?
 Get off my back = Sudahlah jangan menggangguku
 I'm scared shitless = Aku takut sekali
 Don't have kittens = Jangan gugup
 The shit is going to hit the fan = Bakal jadi rame nih
 Zit face / Pizza face = Jerawatan
 He is such a fuckhead / She is such a fuckhead = Dia memuakkan
 I'm not fussy = Aku gak perduli
 He looks like shit / She looks like shit = Dia keliatan kusut banget
 Son of a bitch = Keparat!
 Snap out of it = Sadarlah
 She really turns me on / He really turns me on = Dia benar-benar menggairahkanku
 She is so beautiful that i would walk over a mile of broken glass = Dia begitu cantik sehingga aku mau melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkannya. Kalo buat cowo She diganti He dan Beautiful diganti Handsome
 Catch someone red-handed = Menangkap basah seseorang
 Have a punch up with someone = Berkelahi dengan seseorang
 To tell with her / To tell with him = Persetan dengan dia
 I'm screwed / I'm sucked = Saya benar-benar kacau
 No hassle = Tidak apa-apa
 Wasted / Drunk / Pissed = Mabuk (karena minuman)
 Toasted = Sangat mabuk (sampai tak sadarkan diri)
 Eat shit and die, man = Tutup mulut. Persetan
 She drives me crazy / She drives me mad / She drives me nuts / She gets me hot = Dia membuatku gila. Kalo buat cowo She diganti He
 Make your own sandwich = Masa bodo
 It has really pissed me out / Get on my case = Benar-benar menjengkelkan
 I catch up to you = Nanti aku menyusul
 I'm in trouble / I'm in hot water / I'm in deep shit = Aku sedang kesulitan
 You gotta kick the habbit = Kamu harus menghentikan kebiasaan itu
 Don't screw up on this stupid issue = Jangan meributkan soal kecil seperti ini
 Airhead = Orang bodoh
 Ants in your pants = Grogi
 Back on your feet = Baru sembuh
 Bad egg = Pembuat onar
 Basket case = Gila
 Blow chunks = Muntah / Sakit
 Bounce = Berangkat
 Burnt out = Capek sekali
 Buy the farm = Mati
 Chicken = Pengecut
 Cold feet = Takut
 Da bomb = Bagus sekali
 Dinosaur = Sangat tua
 Egghead = Orang pandai
 Fore = Awas
 Gimme five = Tos
 B.O = Bau badan
 Grub = Makanan
 Gumshoe = Detektif
 Hillbilly = Orang udik / Kamseupay
 Hit the road = Meninggalkan rumah
 Hit the spot = Bagus sekali
 Hootie = Perempuan cantik
 Idiot box = TV
 Iffy = Meragukan
 In a funk = Depresi
 In someone's hair = Mengganggu orang terus
 Jerk = Brengsek
 Knowed up = Hamil
 Know it all = Orang sok tau
 Kooky = Gila. Gak waras
 La la land = Tempat yang luar biasa
 Mug = Wajah
 On cloud nine = Gembira sekali
 One foot in the grave = Sekarat
 Out like a light = Cepat sekali tidurnya
 Phat = Bagus sekali
 Pipe down = Dia
 Yellow = Penakut
 Buck up = Tersenyumlah
 Sly dog = Orang yang licik
 Fishy = Mencurigakan
 Get a clue = Berhati-hati
 What's with you? = Ada apa?
 Blue = Kesedihan
 In the pink = Sehat
Puppy love: cinta monyet
Bounce: berangkat
Burnt out: capek sekali
A Chick: perempuan muda yang cantik  [kok jadi ambigu gini yah?? Antara mau nyebut  cewek cantik  atau anak ayam, hehe…]
Guy:   cowok
Cold feet:   takut
Da bomb: bagus sekali
Posh-boy: anak pintar
Idiot box: TV
What’s it up: apa kabar
Buddy: teman
Bingo!: tepat
Fat cat: orang yang kaya raya  [nerjemahinnya bukan kucing gendut loh ya,…]
See ya: selamat tinggal
O Gee : Masya Allah, Oh Tuhan.
Catch someone red-handed : Menangkap basah seseorang.
Rob someone blind : Merampok seseorang habis-habisan.
Have a punch up with someone : Berkelahi dengan seseorang.
To hell with her : Persetan dengan dia.
I’m screwed, I’m sucked : Saya benar-benar kacau.
Must have got up on the wrong side of bed : Mimpi apa semalam.
Life sucks and then you die, Life is a bitch : Hidup memang tidak mudah.
No hassle : Tidak apa-apa.
Get out of it / Drop it: Sudahlah, lupakan saja.
Wasted, drunk, pissed : Mabuk (karena minuman).
Toasted : Sangat mabuk (sampai tak sadrkan diri).
Eat shit and die, man (vulgar) : Tutup mulut, persetan.
She drives me crazy, She drives me mad, she drives me nuts, : dia membuat ku gila.
Eat shit and die, man : Tutup mulut.
Make your own sandwich : Masa bodoh (biasanya digunakan untuk menjawab ungkapan di atas).
It has really pissed me out, get on my case : Benar-benar menjengkelkan.
I catch up tou you : Nanti aku menyusul.
Spit it out ; Cepat katakana.
I’m in trouble, I’m in hot water, I’m in deep shit : Aku sedang kesulitan.
You gotta kick the habit : Kamu harus menghentikan kebiasaan itu.
Get off my back : Sudahlah, jangan menggangguku.
Get off my case : Sudahlah, jangan menggangguku.
Get off my ass : Sudahlah, jangan menggangguku.(sangat kasar)
You’ve got your just dessert : Kamu sudah menerima balasanmu.
I’m scared shitless : Aku takut sekali.
Don’t have kittens : Jangan gugup.
I’m sticking my neck out for nothing : Aku berharap terlalu muluk.
Get the drift? : Mengerti?
The shit is going to hit the fan : Bakal jadi rame nih.
Zit face, pizza face : Muka jerawatan.
Kiss my ass : Cium bokongku (ucapan menantang).
Don’t screw up 0n this stupid issue : Jangan meributkan soal kecil seperti ini.
He’s such a fuckhead ; Dia memuakkan.
balls : nyali, keberanian (contoh :you got no balls)
 bling : perhiasan
 dough, president, green : uang
 bun : bokong
 keister, tush, tushy : pantat
 rack, boob, boobies, tits :payudara/dada perempuan
 booze :minuman beralkohol
 brewski : bir
 schmuck (jewish slang) : cowok menyebalkan, lelaki bodoh
 meshugana (jewish slang) : bodoh/gila
 klutz (jewish slang) : cerobh. bodoh
 crib : rumah
 pot(s), joint, grass : ganja
 mojo : kepercayaan diri, daya tari/sex appeal
 chow : makanan
 nail : berhasil (dalam melakukan suatu hal/tugas), melakukan hubungan seksual dengan...
 geek, nerd, pointdexter : kutu buku, orang/anak2 yg dianggap pintar (dan kuper) di sekolah
 hammered, loaded : mabuk
 dibs : cup! (kalo lagi dulu2an milih sesuatu)
 tranny : banci (asal kata-nya transvestite)
 wang, dick, cock, wiener : penis/kemualuan pria
 boner, wood : ereksi
 square : datar, membosankan (sifat/karakter orang)
 gig : pekerjaan. pertunjukan musik
 go bananas : menjadi liar, tak terkontrol
 iffy : tidak/kurang yakin
 hillbilly : orang kampung
Hangout : Melewatkan waktu tanpa melakukan apapun
 Have a screw loose : Sedikit gila
 Haywire : Rusak, tidak bekerja
 Head doctor : Psikiatris
 High five : (Sama dengan) Bravo!
 High roller : Orang yang menghabiskan banyak uang untuk berjudi
 Hillbilly : Orang udik
 Hit the road : Meninggalkan rumah
 Hit the spot : Bagus sekali!
 Hog : Makan atau mengambil apapun
 Hole in the wall : Restoran atau toko yang kecil dan sederhana
 Hoodlum : Gangster
 Hooked : Kecanduan
 Hootie : Perempuan cantik
 Hung up on : Terobsesi dengan seseorang/sesuatu
 Hush hush : Sssst!
 Idiot box : TV
 Iffy : Meragukan
 In a bind : Dalam masalah
 In a funk : Depresi
 In someone’s hair : Mengganggu orang terus
 In the doghouse : Dalam masalah
 In the slammer : Dalam penjara
 Jane Doe : Perempuan yang tidak diketahui
 Jerk : Orang yang tidak disukai / brengsek
 Jock : Atlit laki-laki
 Jump ship : Meninggalkan pekerjaan yang sekarang
 Jumpy : Takut kalau-kalau sesuatu yang buruk akan terjadi
 Junk Food : Jajanan
 Knocked-up : Bunting (negative sense)
 Know-it-all : Orang sok tahu
 Kooky : Gila, tidak waras
 La la land : Tempat yang luar biasa
 Low life : Orang yang berperangai buruk
 Luck of the draw : Tergantung takdir
 Mosey along : Jalan pelan-pelan
 Mug : Wajah
 Nailed : Menjumpai seseorang yang sedang berbuat tidak benar
 Narc : Informan polisi
 Not my cup of tea : Sesuatu yang tidak kita sukai
 On cloud nine : Gembira sekali
 One foot in the grave : Sekarat
 Out like a light : Cepat sekali tidurnya
 Pass out : Tertidur karena kecapean atau mabuk
 Peace out : Selamat tinggal (gaya yang ramah)
 People person : Orang yang suka bergaul
 Phat : Bagus sekali
 Pig out : Makan banyak sekali
 Pipe down : Diam!
 Pitch in : Menolong
 Quick buck : Uang yang diperoleh dalam waktu yang sangat singkat
 Raise the roof : Bersenang-senang dan membuat keributan
 Rug rat : Anak kecil
 Run a fever : Sakit tiba-tiba (panas)
 Sad : Kualitas rendah
 Screw up : Membuat kesalahan besar
 See ya : Selamat tinggal!
 Space cadet : Orang yang ceroboh
 Square : Orang yang membosankan
 Test the water : Berpikir dahulu sebelum bertindak
 Too hot to handle : Sulit, controversial
 Tripping : Di bawah pengaruh obat-obatan
 Up your sleeves : Keuntungan tersirat
 Veg out : Bersantai-santai
 Welch : Tidak sanggup bayar hutang
 Wimp : Orang yang lemah
 Yellow : Penakut
 Zone out : Hilang konsentrasi
Airhead : Orang bodoh
All ears : Mendengarkan dengan seksama
Ants in your pants : Grogi 
At the end of your rope : Terjebak dalam situasi yang buruk
 Average Joe : Orang yang mirip dengan orang lain
 Axe : Memecat
 Back burner : Bukan masalah yang harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu
 Back on your feet : Baru sembuh
 Back seat driver : Orang yang memberikan saran yang buruk.
 Back to the drawing board : Mulai lagi
 Bad egg : Pembuat onar
 Bad mouth : Mengatakan hal yang buruk tentang orang lain atau sesuatu
 Ballpark figure : Menebak dengan baik
 Barking up the wrong tree : Mencari sesuatu di tempat yang salah
 Basket case : Gila
 Behind bars : Di dalam penjara
 Big house : Penjara, khususnya dengan pengawalan yang ketat
 Blow chunks : Muntah atau sakit
 Blow it : Menghilangkan atau membuang-buang sesuatu
 b.o : Bau badan
 Boozehound : Orang yang banyak minum
 Bounce : Berangkat
 Brewski : Bir
 Bump off : Membunuh
 Burnt out : Capek sekali
 Bust digits : Mendapatkan nomor telepon seseorang
 Butts : Rokok, puntung rokok
 Buy the farm : Mati
 A chick : Perempuan muda yang cantik
 Chicken : Pengecut
 Chow : Makan, makanan
 Cold feet : Takut
 Couch potato : Orang yang duduk di depan TV seharian
 Crash : tidur , Berhenti berfungsi
 Creep : Orang yang suka mengganggu
 Croak : Mati
 Cut a deal : Membuat perjanjian
 Cut and dry : Sesuatu yang sudah jelas dan sudah dimengerti
 Da bomb : Bagus sekali
 Dinosaur : Sangat tua
 Dicey : Berbahaya, beresiko
 Ditch : Meninggalkan orang, tempat atau sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan
 Doa : Sesuatu yang tidak bisa diperbaiki lagi (situasi)
 Downer : Sesuatu atau seseorang yang sedang depresi. Sesuatu yang membuat seseorang sedih
 Dry run : Masa latihan
 Early bird : Orang yang bagun pagi dan langsung pergi kerja
 Eat lead : Orang yang ditembak dengan senjata
 Eats : Makanan ringan
 Egghead : Orang pandai
Fast food : Makanan siap saji
 Fat cat : Orang yang kaya raya
 Fore! : Awas!
 Freak : Orang asing
 Gibberish : Pidato tak bermakna
 Go bananas : Hilang kendali
 Go off deep end : Melakukan susuatu yang gila
 Goat : Seseorang yang selalu dikambinghitamkan
 Grub : Makanan
 Gumshoe : Detektif
 Guts : Keberanian

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Kalimat - kalimat TONGUE TWISTER


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
 A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
 If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
 Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

 I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
 Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

 How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

 Denise sees the fleece,
 Denise sees the fleas.
 At least Denise could sneeze
 and feed and freeze the fleas.

 The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

 Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

 I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

 Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, 'tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.

 Luke Luck likes lakes.
 Luke's duck likes lakes.
 Luke Luck licks lakes.
 Luck's duck licks lakes.
 Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.
 Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

 There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

 One-one was a race horse.
 Two-two was one too.
 One-one won one race.
 Two-two won one too.

 Eleven benevolent elephants

 Celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, ..
 If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years?

 Did Dick Pickens prick his pinkie pickling cheap cling peaches in an inch of Pinch or framing his famed French finch photos?

 A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

 How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

 Hassock hassock, black spotted hassock. Black spot on a black back of a black spotted hassock.

 How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.

 How much wood could Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood.

 How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny canonball can cram caramel in a camel?

 Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
 Spread it thick, say it quick!
 Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
 Spread it thicker, say it quicker!
 Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
 Don't eat with your mouth full!

 Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher who pitches the balls. Whether the temperature's up or whether the temperature's down, the nature watcher, the catcher and the pitcher are always around. The pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches. So whether the temperature's rises or whether the temperature falls the nature watcher just watches the catcher who's watching the pitcher who's watching the balls.
 Mo mi mo me send me a toe,

 Me me mo mi get me a mole,
 Mo mi mo me send me a toe,
 Fe me mo mi get me a mole,

 Mister kister feet so sweet,
 Mister kister where will I eat !?

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

How much wood could Chuck Woods’ woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods’ woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods’ woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods’ woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods’ woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood.

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.
While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze.
That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze.

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells sure are sea shore shells,
For if she sells sea shore shells as sea shells,
The shells she sells are sea shore shells.

Luke Luck likes lakes.
Luke’s duck likes lakes.
Luke Luck licks lakes.
Luck’s duck licks lakes.
Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.
Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes

When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. You can write good and copyright but copyright doesn’t mean copy good – it might not be right good copy, right?

Now, writers of religious services write rite, and thus have the right to copyright the rite they write. Conservatives write right copy, and have the right to copyright the right copy they write. A right wing cleric might write right rite, and have the right to copyright the right rite he has the right to write. His editor has the job of making the right rite copy right before the copyright would be right. Then it might be copy good copyright.

Should Thom Wright decide to write, then Wright might write right rite, which Wright has a right to copyright. Copying that rite would copy Wright’s right rite, and thus violate copyright, so Wright would have the legal right to right the wrong. Right?

Legals write writs which is a right or not write writs right but all writs, copied or not, are writs that are copyright. Judges make writers write writs right. Advertisers write copy which is copyright the copy writer’s company, not the right of the writer to copyright. But the copy written is copyrighted as written, right?

She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
 The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure.
 For if she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore
 Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells.

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.
 The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
 And made her batter bitter.
 But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
 So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
 Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better

Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop;
 One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.

A Proper Copper Coffee Pot.
 Betty bopper's battering batton made bertie bopper bite her.
 Cecily thought Sicily less thistly than Thessaly.
 Irish wristwatch.
 Peggy Babcock.
 Pleasant mother pheasant plucker.
 Red Leather, Yellow Leather.
 Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry.
 Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper.
 Smiley shlug with Shloer.

Swan swam over the sea,
 Swim Swan swim,
 Swan swam back again,
 Well swam Swan.

Danish: "Ringeren i Ringe ringer ringere end ringeren i Ringsted ringer." (The bellman at Ringe rings worse than the bellman at Ringsted)
 Finnish:  "Kokko! Kokookko kokoon koko kokon? Koko kokonko? Koko kokon." (Kokko (name)! Would you gather up a bonfire? The entire bonfire? (Yes) the entire bonfire.)
 German:  "Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz." (Fisher's Fritz fishes fresh fish, fresh fish are fished by fisher's Fritz.)
 Hungarian: "Stresszes strucc sztreccs dressz." (Spandex dress for a stressful ostrich.)
 Spanish: "Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal." (Three sad tigers swallowed (ate) wheat on a wheat field.)

Allah always has ways to grant what u want be granted.

When the watch shows the time to watch the watch, let the watcher watch the watch.

Ensure me to be sure I should lose you for sure.

My name is Rain and I am shame u have me shame.

Mary will be merry if she marry Larry.

Daddy’s dad is dead and it let my dad bet with his death.

The method of the thought of those shops was quite hazardous.

Give me a link to let any let me queue.

Please don’t piss on the street for the peace of many.

Don’t waste the place to paste the rest.

Look me look for those cook books to be a good cook who cook good food.

That stupid sexy girl is pretty but always silly really makes me feel sassy badly.

The mail you sent has been mailed to that man.

Jerry thinks to carry much money to Chloe’s mommy to make her happy.

Clark cut his rug and let it be plug for his car.

I chose to choose but no choice to choose so I choose not to choose.

That liar lies again that he cries in vain pain.

The recipe to be happy is just being extremely merry and jolly for everything and gift God gives.

Giant has no fund for his restaurant so Giant hope loan come.

Lock those doors with rocks I found to block some Monks want to unlock the locks or drop the doors.

Chan has a plan to go to Japan by plane but that plan can’t be planned again as there was no planes land on this land.

Huck must heart Beth with heart or Huck will just hurt Beth’s heart and her hurt heart will never heart Huck forever.